Ministry occupations greet troika's
by (Reuters) , (AthensNewsWeb) ,
(AMNA) 29 Sep 2011
Public sector workers protest outside the labour ministry
Public sector workers protest outside the labour ministry
Public sector workers organised the takeover of nine ministry buildings on Thursday morning, in protest at the labour reserve measure and the new uniform pay scale scale for civil servants.
The protesters have blocked the entrance to the finance, interior, agriculture, health, justice, environment and decentralisation and e-governance ministries, with workers in other ministries meeting to discuss joining the occupations.
"la libertad nos une, la unión nos libera" Ibn Arabi, Murcia S XII
"la libertad nos une, la unión nos libera" Ibn Arabi, Murcia S XII _"Freedom unites us, unity frees us"
Vídeo del taller de nenxs a l’hort del Xino
Vídeo del taller de nenxs a l’hort del Xino
Posted on setembre 24, 2011 by hortdignebcn| Deixa un comentari
El curs passat a l’hort del Xino es van iniciar activitats i tallers amb nens i nenes del barri. La primera visita la van fer a l’hort de la plaça Catalunya. De fet, ells i elles van ser les “culpables” de que a la plaça Catalunya hi hagués un hort, plantant tomaqueres, enciams, i il·lusió.Després van continuar els tallers al seu barri, a l’hort del Xino, durant cinc dissabtes més i aquest vídeo ens ensenya un bocí d’aquest món dels nens i nenes a l’hort.
Michael Moore on CNN: “Wall Street uprising will spread”
The documentary-maker went on Piers Morgan’s talk show last night to warn the US that anger against economic injustice would make protests spread.
After visiting the protest camp in Zuccotti Park earlier that day, Michael Moore went on CNN to give a shout out to the young people demonstrating in Wall Street against the financial sector’s control over the US political system, warning America that this only just the beginning:
After visiting the protest camp in Zuccotti Park earlier that day, Michael Moore went on CNN to give a shout out to the young people demonstrating in Wall Street against the financial sector’s control over the US political system, warning America that this only just the beginning:
Chomsky speaks out in support of Wall Street protests

Noam Chomsky, the leading academic and public intellectual, has issued a statement in support of the “courageous and honorable protests” on Wall Street.
MIT Professor Noam Chomsky (wiki), the most-cited living author in the world and one of the most staunchly anti-capitalist intellectuals in the United States, has sent a “strong message of support” to the organizers of the Occupy Wall Street protests:
Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash
Or about Capitalism as a mental state (by the yes man?)
Grecia: Derechos al “genocidio financiero”
22 septiembre 2011

No podemos quedamos impasibles ante las distintas declaraciones de los altos dirigentes de Europa, algunos rozan la imbecilidad en sus manifestaciones respecto a esos “holgazanes” de los griegos que “rehúsan ahorrar”.

Tesalónica, el 16 de septiembre. Un hombre se intenta inmolar para protestar contra el Gobierno, los bancos y los partidos políticos.
¿Cómo que los griegos “rehúsan ahorrar”? Un jurista de Viena, que está sobre el terreno en Atenas, les ha observado en su día a día y ha llegado a la conclusión de que ahorran hasta la saciedad.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised_ a new image mix
You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,
Skip out for beer during commercials,
Because the revolution will not be televised.
3th and 4th day Ocuppation Wall Street NYC
from our friends of ![]() Despite multiple arrests and pouring rain, the protests in Lower Manhattan show no sign of abating. Here are the best photos of day #3 of the occupation. ![]() |
por Franco Berardi (Bifo)
Wikileaks ha mostrado la potencia de la inteligencia colectiva. El acontecimiento orquestado por Assange es la irradiación de la fuerza creativa del intelecto general.
La lección de Wikileaks no está tanto en los contenidos revelados –ya sabíamos que a los diplomáticos se les paga por mentir y que a los militares se les paga por disparar contra los civiles– cuanto en la activación de la solidaridad, complicidad y colaboración independiente entre cognitarios, entre trabajadores cognitivos de distinto tipo: técnicos de hardware, programadores, periodistas que trabajan juntos y comparten el mismo objetivo de desestabilizar el poder totalitario. A partir de esta lección, los rebeldes encontrarán su camino hacia la auto-organización del intelecto general.
El largo purgatorio que nos espera
Por Franco Berardi (Bifo)
“El obrero alemán no quiere pagar la cuenta del pescador griego.” dicen el pasdaran del fundamentalismo economicista. Enfrentando trabajadores contra trabajadores, la clase dirigente financiera ha llevado a Europa al borde de la guerra civil. Las renuncias de Stark marcan un momento decisivo: un alto funcionario del Estado alemán alimenta la (falsa) idea de que los laboriosos nórdicos están sosteniendo a los perezosos mediterráneos, cuando la verdad es que los bancos alentaron el endeudamiento para sostener las exportaciones alemanas.
A Call for Reinforcements
Hey jammers,
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET is happening right now at Liberty Plaza!
It started last Saturday, when 5,000 Americans descended on to the financial district of Lower Manhattan, waved signs, unfurled banners, beat drums, chanted slogans and proceeded to walk towards the "financial Gomorrah" of the nation. They vowed to "occupy Wall Street" and to "bring justice to the bankers", but the New York police thwarted their efforts, locking down the symbolic street with barricades and checkpoints. Undeterred, protesters walked laps around the area before holding a people's assembly and setting up a semi-permanent protest encampment in a park on Liberty Street, a stone's throw from Wall Street and a block from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
The day the people took back Wall Street — in pictures

On September 17, thousands of outraged Americans marched on Wall Street and occupied parts of Lower Manhattan. These are the images of Day 1 & 2.
Photos via Paul Weiskel
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET: livestream from New York

Stream and image via Adbusters
Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at
“We are going slow because we are going far!”
from our friends of ROAR Reflections on a Revolution]

On #Sept17, the indignados of Spain joined the indignés of France on a march through the heart of Paris as part of a global day of action against the banks.
Back in June, we wrote a piece that sought to at once celebrate the re-birth of the radical left in Spain and Greece, while at the same time making the critical observation that these movements would be largely inconsequential unless they took their fight to Europe. After all, Brussels, Berlin, Frankfurt and Paris are where most of the decisions affecting the South are made today — and this is exactly why we need a European Revolution, instead of a series of national ones.
Posted: 18 Sep 2011 11:06 AM PDT

On #Sept17, the indignados of Spain joined the indignés of France on a march through the heart of Paris as part of a global day of action against the banks.
Paris, September 18, 2011
Some of them had been walking for months on end, first from cities all over Spain to the country’s capital, and then, after temporarily re-occupying Puerta del Sol, on towards to Brussels. But despite the thousands of miles they already had underneath their feet, the marchers seemed all but exhausted. “We won’t be tired until we reach Brussels,” Oscar told me. It was a testament to the enormous energy not only of the marchers, but of the 15-M movement as a whole.Back in June, we wrote a piece that sought to at once celebrate the re-birth of the radical left in Spain and Greece, while at the same time making the critical observation that these movements would be largely inconsequential unless they took their fight to Europe. After all, Brussels, Berlin, Frankfurt and Paris are where most of the decisions affecting the South are made today — and this is exactly why we need a European Revolution, instead of a series of national ones.
Statement from the occupation at Wall Street
Posted: 18 Sep 2011 04:14 PM PDT

This statement is ours, and for anyone who will get behind it. Representing ourselves, we bring this call for revolution.
Via Occupy Wall St.
We want freedom for all, without regards for identity, because we are all people, and because no other reason should be needed. However, this freedom has been largely taken from the people, and slowly made to trickle down, whenever we get angry.
Money, it has been said, has taken over politics. In truth, we say, money has always been part of the capitalist political system. A system based on the existence of have and have nots, where inequality is inherent to the system, will inevitably lead to a situation where the haves find a way to rule, whether by the sword or by the dollar.
Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Full Band Version)
A personal tribute I made to the great Beat Musician Gil-Scott Heron.

Lawrence of Arabia and the (Non) Battle of Sol
Amador Fernández-Savater

As I was rereading the two texts (barely 60 pages in total) over the last few days, I kept getting flashbacks to images of our recent experiences in Madrid during the first week of August: the occupation of Plaza del Sol by the police (this central square in Madrid been taken over by spontaneous camps and an information point since the May 15 mobilisations), the mass demonstrations circulating around downtown Madrid in the middle of the usually sleepy summer, and the final liberation of the square on the night of the 5th – another of those true celebrations that the 15-M movement is getting us dangerously used to.
#Antibanks Day #Sept17. No more Banksters
September 17 EVERYWHERE:
(Always updated)1 days, 21 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds
In the United States they are preparing to occupy Wall Street, in Spain they will demonstrate at the Stock-Market headquarters, in Greece they plan to boycott banks… What’s going to happen in your city?Posters, banners and promotion material here.
Actions #Antibanks #Sept17 #OccupyWallStreet
Toma la Bolsa 17 de Sept
#OccupyWallstreet #Sept17 #Antibanks / #Tomalabolsa. En España, la convocatoria se ha fijado el 17 de septiembre de 12:00 a 23:00 horas, en la Plaza de la Lealtad (junto al Paseo del Prado y la Plaza de Neptuno)

Desde la web canadiense anticonsumista Adbustersse ataca uno de los pilares del sistema: la influencia del dinero y de sus dueños sobre los representantes políticos en Washington -y en el resto de Occidente, habría que añadir- "Es la hora de la democracia y no de la corporatocracia. Estamos condenados sin ella", añaden.
Es el momento de concretar los objetivos, y las bolsas de todo el mundo se levantaron a imagen y semejanza de Wall Street, bautizada como "la Gomorra financiera de América". Copian el modelo de acción de las acampadas de España y la toma de las plazas popularizadas a partir de la de Tahrir, en El Cairo. Quieren ocupar Wall Street y allí reunirse en asambleas en las que discutir el estado de su sistema político y económico. «Adbusters» espera que 20.000 personas inunden las zonas aledañas a Wall Street y que allí instalen tiendas de campaña, cocinas y barricadas pacíficas.
Noam Chomsky Looking Back on 9 11 a Decade Later Part 1 of 2
AMY GOODMAN: As we continue to mark the decade since the September 11th attacks in the United States, today we spend the hour with MIT professor, world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author, Noam Chomsky.
11th September_ Ken Loach_ [english w spanish subtitles]
11 diretores foram convidados para fazer um filme sobre a queda das torres gêmeas em 11 de setembro.
Essa é a brilhante contribuição de Ken Loach que traça um paralelo com um outro 11 de setembro, aquele de 1973 no Chile.
de los amigos de:
Posted 14 days ago by LupeFiascoConcert
Source: Adbusters
Hey jammers, dreamers, patriots,
Anonymous has just released a series of videos communique endorsing #OCCUPYWALLSTREET. Using language from our first Tactical Briefing, the video calls on protestors to adopt the nonviolent Tahrir-acampadas model. On the 17th of September, it says, "flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months … Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices."
See also signs of support for S17 on Anonymous's Twitter and websites.
Meanwhile S17 is surging ahead internationally. Simultaneous occupations of financial districts are now being planned in New York City, Madrid, Milan, London, Paris and San Francisco. With a bit of luck, this list of participating cities will grow.
If we can pull together just the right mix of nonviolence, tenacity and strategic smarts, S17 could be the beginning of the global revolution we've all been dreaming about for so long … wouldn't that be lovely.
for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ
WATCH the videos - veer videos
Hey jammers, dreamers, patriots,
Anonymous has just released a series of videos communique endorsing #OCCUPYWALLSTREET. Using language from our first Tactical Briefing, the video calls on protestors to adopt the nonviolent Tahrir-acampadas model. On the 17th of September, it says, "flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months … Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices."
See also signs of support for S17 on Anonymous's Twitter and websites.
Meanwhile S17 is surging ahead internationally. Simultaneous occupations of financial districts are now being planned in New York City, Madrid, Milan, London, Paris and San Francisco. With a bit of luck, this list of participating cities will grow.
If we can pull together just the right mix of nonviolence, tenacity and strategic smarts, S17 could be the beginning of the global revolution we've all been dreaming about for so long … wouldn't that be lovely.
for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ
WATCH the videos - veer videos
Ten days until #OCCUPYWALLSTREET for 3 months
Published 2011-09-08 02:53:49 UTC by OccupyWallSt
Hey you jammers, dreamers, patriots and revolutionaries out there,
Our occupation of Wall Street is less than two weeks away … do we have it together?
The perpetrators of the massive financial fraud have been allowed to slip quietly from the scene and continue business as usual. Our elected representatives in Washington have become so tightly intertwined with the financiers and bankers that public accountability has all but vanished.
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET is all about breaking up that cosy relationship between money and politics and bringing the perpetrators of the financial crash of 2008 to justice.
On September 17, 20,000 of us will descend on Wall Street, the iconic financial center of America, set up a peaceful encampment, hold a people's assembly to decide what our one demand will be, and carry out an agenda of full-spectrum, absolutely nonviolent civil disobedience the likes of which the country has not seen since the freedom marches of the 1960s.
Hey you jammers, dreamers, patriots and revolutionaries out there,
Our occupation of Wall Street is less than two weeks away … do we have it together?
The perpetrators of the massive financial fraud have been allowed to slip quietly from the scene and continue business as usual. Our elected representatives in Washington have become so tightly intertwined with the financiers and bankers that public accountability has all but vanished.
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET is all about breaking up that cosy relationship between money and politics and bringing the perpetrators of the financial crash of 2008 to justice.
On September 17, 20,000 of us will descend on Wall Street, the iconic financial center of America, set up a peaceful encampment, hold a people's assembly to decide what our one demand will be, and carry out an agenda of full-spectrum, absolutely nonviolent civil disobedience the likes of which the country has not seen since the freedom marches of the 1960s.
Los mapas del 15M
Técnicas físicas de Resistencia No Violenta 1 & 2
Si vas a pasar a la acción conviene que conozcas y practiques, mejor en un juego de rol para evaluar después los errores e impresiones psicológicas, estos sencillos ejercicios de resistencia corporal.
“La muert@” o “el bland@”
Se trata de la espectacular y ejemplar técnica de no cooperación con el desalojo de la acción y tu evacuación.Consiste en relajarse instantáneamente ejerciendo de peso gravitatorio cuando la policía quiere agarrarnos.
Se deja caer así todo nuestro peso y con un poco de práctica se hace tan difícil movernos como a un pulpo o a una medusa.
Practícalo un poco y comprobarás que es muchísimo más eficaz que resistir en tu posición dando tirones y golpes o empleando una fuerza que siempre pueden aprovechar en tu contra.
Para evitar el riesgo de accidente en caso de patada o caída al suelo no dejes nunca la cabeza colgando, sobre todo hacia atrás. Evita terrenos complejos, como escaleras, para desarrollarla.
Generalmente se utiliza esta técnica cuando hay público o medios de comunicación, si las circunstancias no se prestan puedes ahorrártela. Esta técnica es muy demostrativa, tiende a disminuir la violencia entre la policía, nos autoafirma y atrae la simpatía del público.
Defiende la sanidad pública 18 de Septiembre
La privatización de la sanidad se ha acelerado en los últimos años. ¿Quieres ver como sería si continúa el proceso de privatización de la sanidad pública?
La salud convertida en un negocio, dónde sólo tendrás acceso a tratamiento si te lo puedes pagar.
Los políticos han empeorado la sanidad pública para intentar mostrarla como ineficiente y así poder privatizar la sanidad, en vez de intentar hacer más eficiente la sanidad pública (la cuál es considerada una de las mejores del mundo). La sanidad privada es más cara para las arcas del estado y especialmente para los ciudadanos. Entonces, ¿por qué privatizar? La respuesta es muy clara: Negocio.
Convertir nuestra salud en un una mercancía. El de 18 de Septiembre sal a la calle para decir ¡BASTA! No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros.
[¿Quién debe a quién?] Danzad, danzad malditos!
por oscar martínez

Nos dijeron hace escasos días que la reforma de la Constitución iba a calmar a los "mercados" y supondría un respiro para la economía española. En concreto, Zapatero dijo que "estoy muy satisfecho porque realmente es muy importante para España en este momento", "es razonable, es bueno para España", añadió después que la reforma fuera admitida a trámite por el Congreso de los Diputados.

Por su parte, Rajoy declaró que la reforma es "lo mejor que se ha hecho en España" y posteriormente añadió que es "un magnífico mensaje para fuera y dentro de España".
El efecto que tuvo el mensaje fue tan "magnífico" para la deuda pública española que el sábado 3 de septiembre, un día después de que el Congreso votara a favor de la reforma, la prima de riesgo se disparó a los 311 puntos, el nivel más alto desde que el BCE comenzó a comprar bonos españoles. Las agencias de calificación de riesgo, esa especie de vampiros con licencia para chupar la sangre de economías enteras, no tardaron ni 24 horas en dejar a Rajoy y a Zapatero como lo que son, como unos burdos embusteros, o unos absolutos zoquetes, que no tienen ni idea de nada, y menos de economía. La verdad es que no sé qué puede ser peor.
Comunicado conjunto Sol-Syntagma [Greek, english, portuguese and italian
Greek, english, portuguese and italian translation below
De EEUU a Bruselas, de Grecia a Bolivia, de España a Túnez, la crisis del capitalismo se acentúa. Y sus causantes son los que nos imponen las recetas para superarla. Éstas son: trasvasar fondos públicos a entidades financieras privadas mientras hacen pagar la factura a los pueblos con planes de ajuste que no nos sacan de la crisis sino que nos hunden más en ella.
En la UE, los ataques de los mercados financieros hacia las deudas soberanas chantajean a Gobiernos cobardes y secuestran Parlamentos, que adoptan medidas injustas a espaldas de sus pueblos. Las instituciones europeas, lejos de tomar firmes decisiones políticas frente a los ataques de los mercaderes financieros, se alinean con ellos.
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